Metal Prints

Metal Prints produce an image unsurpassed in clarity and richness, that is also highly durable and fade resistant. They’re best suited for images with finely focused details and rich subtleties of tone and/or color. Metal prints are border-less, with an inset metal frame on the back, so images seem to float on the wall. These gorgeous prints are delivered ready to hang on the wall.

The process of printing on metal is proprietary and can only be produced by professional labs licensed to perform this extremely elaborate printing method.

For more information about metal prints click here.

Fine Art Stretched Canvas Prints

Fine Art Stretched Canvas Prints are highly suitable for images where a little softening and a slightly toned-down saturation of color is desired. Fine Art Stretched Canvas Prints utilize archival-pigmented inks, include a lustre finish, and are stretched on 1 ½” thick hardwood stretcher bar frames.

Finish the sides of a Fine Art Stretched Canvas Print in two different ways by choosing either:

  • Image Wrap uses the photographic image along the sides of the stretcher bars.
  • Solid Wrap is a solid complementary color, along the sides of the stretcher bars, hand selected by the studio to match the image.

The surface of the archival print is protected with a U.V. filtering coating to protect the image from fading and contaminants, eliminating the need for glass. Fine Art Stretched Canvas Prints are delivered ready to hang.

For more information about Fine Art Stretched Canvas Prints click here.

Fine Art Giclee Prints

Fine Art Giclee Prints are high resolution archival prints on fine art paper with wide borders optimized for museum quality framing. Rich, elegant, and highly detailed, these prints are far superior to conventional photographic color papers and rival the finest traditional black & white fibre papers.

For more information about Fine Art Giclee Prints click here.